What if the Pandemic Had Hit 20 Years Ago?
Remembering the good old days may mean looking back just a few months
before March 1, 2020. Many of us may longingly recall being able to travel or going out for dinner and a movie with friends without concern.
Let’s look back a little further. Imagine what it would have been like if this pandemic had hit 20 years earlier when the internet was just catching on with consumers.
Golden West Offered Dial-Up in 1996
Golden West first offered dial-up internet access in 1996 at the blazing speed of about 28.8Kbps or 56Kbps. Connecting involved hearing a series of beeps and screeches and tied up the phone line.
Early in the 2000s, Golden West began deploying Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL) across the service territory. DSL boosted internet speeds to 256Kbps and faster, and kept the phone line open for calls. By the mid-2000s, the focus shifted to fiber optic technology.
Investment in Fiber Optic Technology & Staff
“At Golden West, our strategy to keep up with the demand is to invest in fiber technology and talented people to make it all happen for our customers,” said Nick Rogness, Director of Engineering and Operations.
That investment in fiber infrastructure and the people to manage it has been key to sustaining the increased demand the pandemic has placed on the network. Today, Golden West offers symmetrical internet speed subscriptions of 25Mbps, 50Mbps and 100Mbps.
Even today’s slowest option provides internet speeds almost 900 times faster than that of 1996. As it existed in 2000, the internet would not have allowed us to do many of the things that help us stay productive today while also keeping us safe at home.
How Our Online Options Have Expanded
In the year 2000, the activities below generally involved leaving home and could not be done online like they can be today.