Fiber to the Home Project
Our fiber network will be expanded throughout the Armour exchange including the town and rural areas.
May 12, 2022
- Travis Electric is wiring buildings with multiple tenants and converting the service for the residents to fiber.
May 5, 2022
- Travis Electric has a few addresses to upgrade to fiber before finishing the project.
April 28, 2022
- Travis Electric plans to be finished with Phase 2 wiring in Armour early next week.
April 21, 2022
- This week, Travis Electric will be finishing up wiring business locations and the last few customers who need to be upgraded to fiber.
April 14, 2022
- Travis Electric plans to finish connecting customers to fiber in this exchange during the coming week.
April 7, 2022
- Travis Electric is nearly finished with Phase 2 wiring. They will be working on large buildings with multiple residents during the coming week.
March 31, 2022
- Travis Electric expects to finish Phase 2 fiber upgrade installations next week.
March 24, 2022
- Travis Electric is nearly finished with Phase 2 wiring. If you are an Armour customer and have not had a Phase 2 wiring installation, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
March 10, 2022
- Travis Electric is trying to reach the last of the customers who have not been upgraded to fiber. If you are an Armour customer and have not had a Phase 2 wiring installation, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
February 10, 2022
- Travis Electric has completed Phase 2 wiring for over half of the customers in the Armour exchange. They expect to complete the upgrade work in the next few weeks.
- If you are a customer in Armour and have a question about scheduling or changing an appointment, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
February 3, 2022
- Travis Electric will be in Armour this coming Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. They will resume scheduling appointments for the full week starting February 14th.
- If you are a customer in Armour and have a question about scheduling or changing an appointment, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
January 28, 2022
- For the next two weeks, Travis Electric will be in Armour on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. They will resume scheduling appointments for the full week starting February 14th.
- Please notify Travis Electric or Golden West as soon as possible if you have an appointment scheduled and need to postpone due to illness.
- If you are a customer in Armour and have a question about scheduling or changing an appointment, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
January 13, 2022
Travis Electric is almost half way through upgrading Armour customers to fiber. They will continue working for the next several weeks, until all customers are converted to the new infrastructure.
If you are a customer in Armour and have a question about scheduling or changing an appointment, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
January 6, 2022
- Travis Electric is scheduling Phase 2 wiring appointments for Armour customers.
- If you are a customer in Armour and have a question about scheduling or changing an appointment, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Installations scheduled for January 6th are being rescheduled due to the weather.
December 23, 2021
- Travis Electric is working on Phase 2 cut over installations for customers in town. If you are a customer in the town of Armour and have a question about scheduling or changing an appointment, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- The rural area is now ready for Phase 2 wiring. Travis Electric will begin scheduling these customers for upgrade installations.
December 17, 2021
- Travis Electric is working on Phase 2 cut over installations for customers in town. If you are a customer in the town of Armour and have a question about scheduling or changing an appointment, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- In the coming weeks, Travis Electric will begin scheduling installations for rural customers.
December 3, 2021
- Travis Electric is working on Phase 2 cut over installations for customers in town. If you are a customer in the town of Armour and have a question about scheduling or changing an appointment, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- In the coming weeks, Travis Electric will begin scheduling installations for rural customers.
November 10, 2021
- Travis Electric is working on Phase 2 cut over installations for customers in town. If you are a customer in the town of Armour and have a question about scheduling or changing an appointment, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Wiring in the central office should be completed soon for addresses in the rural part of the exchange. Customers outside of town will receive a letter from Golden West to notify them that Travis Electric will be calling them to schedule a cut over appointment.
October 28, 2021
- Construction, splicing, and testing of the new fibers is complete.
- Ripley’s is completing cleanup in the rural areas.
- Travis Electric is working on Phase 2 cut over installations for customers in town. If you are a customer in the town of Armour and have a question about scheduling or changing an appointment, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
October 21, 2021
- Ripley’s has completed all plowing. They have finished splicing and testing fibers. They are currently working on cleanup.
- On Monday, Travis Electric will begin Phase 2 installations to connect customers in town to the new fiber optic network.
October 14, 2021
- Ripley’s was finishing their last day of mainline construction on October 14th. They still have a few lines to bury to customer homes, then they will begin splicing and testing the new fibers in the rural area.
- Travis Electric plans to begin scheduling Phase 2 wiring appointments for customers in town in the next few days.
October 7, 2021
- Ripley’s is plowing cable east of Armour. They are on 281st Street west of 391st Avenue. They expect to be done with construction next week.
- Travis Electric plans to begin scheduling Phase 2 wiring appointments for customers in town. They will begin connecting customers to the new fiber network on October 18th.
September 30, 2021
- Ripley’s is plowing cable southeast of Armour. They are heading east of 393rd Avenue on 284th Street.
- Customers in town will get a letter from Golden West soon to notify them that Travis Electric will be calling them to set up an installation appointment to connect them to the new fiber optic system.
September 23, 2021
- Ripley’s is working south of Armour on 288th Street. After that, they will move to 289th Street and plow moving east.
- Customers in town will get a letter from Golden West soon to notify them that Travis Electric will be calling them to set up an installation appointment to connect them to the new fiber optic system.
September 16, 2021
- Ripley’s is working south of Armour on 285th Street, heading east. They will move to 391st Avenue and bury cable moving north.
- Customers in town will get a letter from Golden West in the next few weeks to notify them that Travis Electric will be calling them to set up an installation appointment to connect them to the new fiber optic system.
September 9, 2021
- Ripley’s is burying cable west of Armour on 384th Avenue. They will move next to 386th Avenue and head south.
- Customers in town will get a letter from Golden West in the next few weeks to notify them that Travis Electric will be calling them to set up an installation appointment to connect them to the new fiber optic system.
August 27, 2021
- The next construction update will be posted the week of September 6th. Have a safe and relaxing Labor Day holiday!
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s is burying cable west of Armour on 281st Street, then will move to 280th Street.
- Customers in town will get a letter from Golden West in the next few weeks to notify them that Travis Electric will be calling them to set up an installation appointment to connect them to the new fiber optic system.
August 19, 2021
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s is plowing mainline fiber on 389th Avenue, headed north. They will then proceed west on 278th Street.
- Customers in town will get a letter from Golden West in the next few weeks to notify them that Travis Electric will be calling them to set up an installation appointment to connect them to the new fiber optic system.
Armour FTTH Construction Area 8-19-21.pdf
August 12, 2021
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s is plowing mainline fiber on 280th Street east of Armour, heading east. They will move back on 280th Street and work their way west after finishing the eastward route.
- Technicians are currently testing the fibers in the town portion of the project.
- Customers in town will get a letter from Golden West in the next few weeks to notify them that Travis Electric will be calling them to set up an installation appointment to connect them to the new fiber optic system.
August 5, 2021
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s is burying fiber northeast of town on 276th St.
- Technicians are currently testing the fibers in the town portion of the project.
- Customers in town will get a letter from Golden West in the next few weeks to notify them that Travis Electric will be calling them to set up an installation appointment to connect them to the new fiber optic system.
July 29, 2021
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s is plowing northeast of town. They are working on 274th Street heading east, then will go south on 396th Avenue.
Armour FTTH Construction Area 7-29-21.pdf
July 22, 2021
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s is moving equipment into the area to begin plowing in the rural part of the exchange. They will start construction northeast of Armour and will work back toward town.
July 15, 2021
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s will be moving equipment to the Armour area next week. They will begin construction in the rural part of the exchange at the end of next week or early the following week. They will start work northeast of Armour.
July 8, 2021
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s has finished construction in town. Technicians are currently splicing and testing fibers.
- Construction in the rural part of the exchange is expected to begin in late July or early August.
June 24, 2021
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s has finished construction in town.
- Construction in the rural part of the exchange is expected to begin later in July.
June 17, 2021
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s is finishing up work in the town of Armour. Most of the plowing is completed. Splicers will be pulling cables in town, and wiring will be done in the Golden West office in Armour.
- Construction in the rural part of the exchange is expected to begin later in July.
June 10, 2021
- Travis Electric has finished hanging clamshells. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Crews are working between Main Avenue and Braddock Street in the northeast part of town.
- A second crew working north of Second Street, going west toward Braddock Street.
- A crew is splicing fiber between Matthews and Dobson Avenues, headed south.
- Most orange pipe, or duct, is buried. Ripley’s will begin pulling the fiber optic cables into the duct. When the cables are in place, the next step is to connect them by splicing.
June 3, 2021
- Travis Electric has completed installation of clamshells on most homes and businesses. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s has one crew burying drops, or lines to customer premises, between Main Avenue and Braddock Street in the northeast part of town.
- A second crew is burying drop cables along Sixth Street, headed west.
- The main line crew will be working north of Sixth Street on the east side of town.
- A crew is splicing fiber on the north side of Second Street between Dobson and Matthews Avenues.
May 27, 2021
- Travis Electric has completed installation of clamshells on most homes and businesses. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s is plowing on Eighth Street, moving east.
- A second construction crew is working on Huston Avenue.
- A splicing crew is working on Sparks Street.
May 21, 2021
- Travis Electric has completed installation of clamshells on most homes and businesses. If you are a customer in the Armour exchange and do not have a clamshell on your premise, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s is burying cable between Main Avenue and Braddock Street, moving south.
- A second crew is working between Dobson Avenue and Matthews Avenue going south.
- Construction will move next to the area between Braddock Street and Main Avenue, headed north, and also along Sixth Street moving west.
May 13, 2021
- Travis Electric is scheduling installation of clamshells on homes and businesses. They have nearly finished work in town and are now scheduling in the rural part of the exchange.
- Ripley’s is plowing in the town of Armour. They are currently plowing main line fiber on First Street, heading west.
- Another main line crew is plowing main line cable on Sixth Street, heading east.
- A crow plowing lines to customer premises (drops) is working north between Main Avenue and Braddock Street, then will move to First Street.
May 6, 2021
- Travis Electric is scheduling installation of clamshells on homes and businesses. They have nearly finished work in town and are now scheduling in the rural part of the exchange.
- Ripley’s started construction this week in the town of Armour. There are several crews at work near the Golden West office and on Second Street going south.
April 29, 2021
- Travis Electric is scheduling installation of clamshells on homes and businesses in the town of Armour. They will move to the rural part of the exchange when they have completed work in town.
- Ripley’s started construction this week in the town of Armour. There are several crews at work near the Golden West office and on Second Street going south.
April 22, 2021
- Travis Electric is scheduling installation of clamshells on homes and businesses in the town of Armour. They will move to the rural part of the exchange when they have completed work in town.
- Ripley’s will begin locating buried utilities later this month, and expects to begin construction in May, starting in town.
April 16, 2021
- Travis Electric is scheduling installation of clamshells on homes and businesses in the town of Armour. They will move to the rural part of the exchange when they have completed work in town.
- Ripley’s will begin locating buried utilities later this month, and expects to begin construction in May, starting in town.
April 8, 2021
- Travis Electric is scheduling installation of clamshells on homes and businesses in the town of Armour. They will move to the rural part of the exchange when they have completed work in town.
- Ripley’s expects to begin construction in three to four weeks.
April 1, 2021
- Travis Electric is scheduling installation of clamshells on homes and businesses in the town of Armour. They will move to the rural part of the exchange when they have completed work in town.
- Ripley’s expects to begin construction later this spring.
March 26, 2021
- Travis Electric is scheduling installation of clamshells on homes and businesses in the town of Armour.
- Ripley’s expects to begin construction later this spring.
March 18, 2021
- Travis Electric began work installing clamshells on customer homes and businesses earlier this week.
Golden West Contractors in Armour:
Wiring Contractor - Travis Electric, Inc.
Construction Contractor - Ripley's Inc.
Engineering Consultant - RVW Inc.
Please contact Golden West with any questions, concerns or comments by calling 1-855-888-7777 and asking for the Engineering Department or Email