Fiber to the Home 2020
FTTH Construction Overview - What to Expect
May 27, 2021
Project Update
- Construction and wiring for the Reliance and Lower Brule Fiber to the Home Project is complete.
May 6, 2021
Project Update
- If you are a customer in the Reliance or Lower Brule area and have not been contacted by Travis Electric to schedule a cut over appointment, please call Golden West at 1-855-888-7777. We may need to update your contact information.
- Travis Electric will finish the Phase 2 cut over portion of the Fiber to the Home Project in May.
April 29, 2021
Project Update
- Travis Electric is nearly done with Phase 2 installations in the Reliance exchange.
- If you are a customer in the Reliance or Lower Brule area and have not been contacted by Travis Electric to schedule a cut over appointment, please call Golden West at 1-855-888-7777. We may need to update your contact information.
- Travis Electric will finish the Phase 2 cut over portion of the Fiber to the Home Project in May.
March 18, 2021
Project Update
- Travis Electric is doing Phase 2 installations to connect customers to the new fiber throughout the Reliance exchange. They are nearly completed with this work in Lower Brule.
- Please call 1-855-888-7777 if you have any questions about scheduling or cut over.
February 10, 2021
Project Update
- Travis Electric is doing Phase 2 installations to connect customers to the new fiber throughout the Reliance exchange.
- Next week, the contractor will be working with local Golden West staff on connecting businesses in Lower Brule.
- Please call 1-855-888-7777 if you have any questions about scheduling or cut over.
February 3, 2021
Project Update
- Ripley’s has completed all splicing and testing of cables.
- Travis Electric is doing Phase 2 installations to connect customers to the new fiber throughout the Reliance exchange. They are nearly finished with the towns of Lower Brule and West Brule. Please call 1-855-888-7777 if you have any questions about scheduling or cut over.
January 27, 2021
Project Update
- Ripley’s has completed all splicing and testing of cables.
- Travis Electric is conducting Phase 2 installations to connect customers to the new fiber throughout the Reliance exchange. Please call 1-855-888-7777 if you have any questions about scheduling or cut over.
January 20, 2021
Project Update
- Travis Electric expects to be doing installations for customers in Lower Brule and West Brule for the next two weeks. Please call 1-855-888-7777 if you have any questions about scheduling or cut over.
- Phase 2 installations will begin in the rural part of the Reliance exchange later this month.
January 14, 2021
Project Update
- Travis Electric will continue to connect customers in Lower Brule and West Brule to the new fiber infrastructure. These Phase 2 installations will continue for the next several weeks. Please call 1-855-888-7777 if you have any questions about scheduling or cut over.
- Phase 2 installations will begin in the rural part of the Reliance exchange later this month.
January 6, 2021
Project Update
- Travis Electric has begun scheduling customers in the Lower and West Brule areas to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure. These Phase 2 installations will continue for the next several weeks. Please call 1-855-888-7777 if you have any questions or concerns about scheduling or cut over.
- Phase 2 installations will begin in the rural part of the Reliance exchange later this month.
December 30, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric has begun scheduling customers in the Lower and West Brule areas to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure. These Phase 2 installations will continue for the next several weeks. Please call 1-855-888-7777 if you have any questions or concerns about scheduling or cut over.
- Phase 2 installations will begin in the rural part of the Reliance exchange in mid-January.
December 23. 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric has begun scheduling customers in the Lower and West Brule areas to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure. These Phase 2 installations will continue for the next several weeks.
- Ripleys has finished construction on the project. All cables have been spliced. They have completed cleanup and will return in spring for a final inspection.
December 16, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric has begun scheduling customers in the Lower and West Brule areas to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure. These Phase 2 installations will continue for the next several weeks.
- Technicians are finishing with splicing and testing of cables. Addresses for the rural portions of the Reliance exchange will be ready for cutover starting in January.
December 9, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric has begun scheduling customers in the Lower and West Brule areas to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure. These Phase 2 installations will continue for the next several weeks.
- Ripleys has completed construction in the Reliance exchange. They will be working on cleanup.
December 2, 2020
Project Update
- In the next few weeks, Travis Electric will begin scheduling customers in the Lower and West Brule areas to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure. They will call ahead to make appointments to do the necessary inside wiring.
- Ripleys is nearing the end of plowing in the Reliance exchange.
- One main line plow crew is working along 328th Avenue south of 248th Street. A second crew is working on 248th Street west of 328th Avenue. A third plow is burying cable on 254th Street south of Highway 49.
- Ripleys will work on cleanup as they finish with construction.
November 25, 2020
Project Update
- In the next few weeks, Travis Electric will begin scheduling customers in the Lower and West Brule areas to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure. They will call ahead to make appointments to do the necessary inside wiring.
- Ripleys is nearing the end of plowing in the Reliance exchange. Their workers will be off for the Thanksgiving holiday and will return to work next week.
- When work resumes, one plow crew will be working in the southwest corner of the Reliance exchange area, and then on 324th Avenue.
- The second crew will be working north of the intersection of Highway 47 and Highway 49, then will continue along Highway 49 before finishing on Highway 47.
- A third crew will be working southwest of Lyman on 321st Avenue.
- The fourth crew will be burying cable along 328th Avenue.
- Ripleys will work on cleanup as they finish with construction.
November 18, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin scheduling customers in the Lower and West Brule areas to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure. They will call ahead to make appointments to do the necessary inside wiring.
- Ripleys is nearing the end of plowing in the Reliance exchange. Several plows will be burying fiber optic cable in the next few days, mainly south and west of Reliance.
November 13, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin scheduling customers to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure in the next few weeks. They will call ahead to make appointments to do the necessary inside wiring.
- One group plowing main line construction will be working west toward Lyman.
- The second plow is also west of Reliance. They are burying cable south of Lyman on 321st Ave.
- The second main line crew is working on , then will be working on cleanup of area of previously plowed.
November 6, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin scheduling customers to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure in the next few weeks. They will call ahead to make appointments to do the necessary inside wiring.
- The first mainline plow is moving west on Highway 248 until it reaches 324th Avenue. From there it will track back to the corner of Highway 47 and Highway 248 and head south along 328th Avenue to 245th Street and east along 245th Street to the new tower site.
- The second plow is finishing up on 241st Street and will be moving west of Reliance to 324th Avenue.
- Crews are working south and east of Reliance, plowing lines to individual customer homes.
Reliance Construction 11-4-20.pdf
October 29, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin scheduling customers to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure in the next few weeks. They will call ahead to make appointments to do the necessary inside wiring.
- Ripleys is plowing mainline fiber west of Reliance on Highway 248, heading west. A second plow crew is working east on 241st, then will move west of Reliance on 324th Avenue. Crews plowing lines to houses are working near 241st Street and 333rd Ave. A third main line plow is working south of Reliance on 328th Avenue down to 245th Street, then will proceed along 245th Street.’
- A second crew plowing drops, or lines to customer homes, will be working south of the interstate starting on Monday, November 2.
Reliance Construction 10-29-20.pdf
October 22, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin scheduling customers to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure in the next few weeks. They will call ahead to make appointments to do the necessary inside wiring.
- Ripleys has one crew plowing main line fiber west along 238th Street and then north on 335th Avenue. They will then move west of Reliance to begin plowing along Highway 248 towards Lyman.
- A second main line plow crew is working on 241st Street, then will move north along 335th Street. This crew will move next to 324th Avenue west of Reliance.
- The crews plowing lines to customer premises are working west of Reliance, then will move south.
October 14, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin scheduling customers to cut over, or connect, their service to the new fiber infrastructure in the next few weeks. They will call ahead to make appointments to do the necessary inside wiring.
- Ripleys has two crews burying main fiber optic line. One crew is working on Highway 47 near the intersection with Medicine Bull Memorial Highway. The second crew is moving east from 333rd Avenue on 241st Street.
- The crews plowing lines to customer premises are working right behind the plow crews in the same areas.
October 8, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric has finished Phase 2 wiring appointments for those customers in Reliance where fibers have been spliced and tested and then connected in the Golden West office. When this work is completed on the next group of addresses, Travis Electric will call these customers to schedule the final wiring visit to connect their service to the new fiber infrastructure.
- Ripleys has two crews burying main fiber optic line. The first crew is working along Highway 47 along 242nd Street. They will follow around 242nd Street north to 241st St. The second crew is working along 241st Street up 33rd Avenue.
- The crews plowing lines to customer premises are working right behind the plow crews in the same areas.
September 30, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric continues phase 2 installs in Reliance. During this service visit, they will complete the inside wiring needed to connect customers to the new fiber optic system.
- Ripleys has two crews burying main fiber optic line. Both crews are working in the area between Lower Brule and Reliance. Next week they will start on 242nd Street heading east, working north east of Reliance.
- The crews plowing lines to customer premises are working right behind the plow crews in the same area.
September 23, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric continues phase 2 installs in Reliance. During this service visit, they will complete the inside wiring needed to connect customers to the new fiber optic system.
- Ripleys has two crews burying main fiber optic line. The first crew is proceeding south along BIA 17. The second crew is working on 329th Avenue going south toward Reliance.
- Two drop crews are installing lines to customer premises. One is working west of 329th Avenue on 235th Street, then will move east of the road on 235th going along SD Highway 47. The second is working on BIA 17, moving toward 329th Avenue.
September 17, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric is scheduling Phase 2 wiring appointments in Reliance. During this phase they will visit each customer’s premises to do the inside wiring necessary to connect the services to the new infrastructure. They are also installing clamshells on the outside of homes for a few new customers.
- Ripleys’ crew installing the main fiber optic line is working along BIA 17 heading west.
- A second main line crew is working on 329th Ave., headed toward 327th Ave.
- A crew boring and laying pipe underground for fiber to be pulled through will be working from 329th Avenue toward 327th Avenue.
September 9, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric is scheduling Phase 2 wiring appointments in Reliance. During this phase they will visit each customer’s premises to do the inside wiring necessary to connect the services to the new infrastructure.
- The construction crew installing drops (lines to individual premises) will be finishing up north of Lower Brule this week.
- A crew will be boring under railroad crossings in the rural area.
- Customers south of Lower Brule will see construction along the highway in the coming week.
September 3, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric has begun scheduling Phase 2 wiring appointments. During this phase they will visit each customer’s premises to do the inside wiring necessary to connect the services to the new infrastructure. This work will begin in Reliance, then continue in Lower Brule.
- The construction crew installing drops (lines to individual premises) and the main line crew will both begin working north of Lower Brule in the coming week.
August 26, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin Phase 2 of wiring of individual homes starting September 8th. During this phase they will visit each customer’s premises to do the inside wiring necessary to connect the services to the new infrastructure. Starting next week, they will be calling customers to schedule appointments.
- Ripleys will begin moving construction equipment in soon. They expect to start construction during the second week in September.
August 20, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin Phase 2 of wiring of individual homes in the coming weeks. During this phase they will visit each customer’s premises to do the inside wiring necessary to connect the services to the new infrastructure. They will call to make an appointment.
- Ripleys will have crews working in West Brule during the coming week, moving west after completing work in town.
August 12, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin Phase 2 of wiring of individual homes in the coming weeks. During this phase they will visit each customer’s premises to do the inside wiring necessary to connect the services to the new infrastructure. They will call to make an appointment.
- Ripleys crews will be working in West Brule this week. They will be plowing vacant pipe to homes that do not have Golden West service, plowing lines to individual customers, and plowing main line fiber optic cable.
August 5, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin Phase 2 of the wiring of individual homes in the coming weeks. During this phase they will visit each customer’s premises to do the inside wiring necessary to connect the services to the new infrastructure. They will call to make an appointment.
- The Ripley’s crew plowing the main fiber line is done in the town of Lower Brule. They are moving toward West Brule.
- The crew plowing lines to individual premises (drops) are also working toward West Brule. Another crew will be boring lines underground in areas where plowing is not possible.
July 29, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric has completed Phase 1 of wiring homes and businesses. When the fiber optic lines are buried, spliced, and tested, they will be back to begin Phase 2. This phase is expected to begin in a few weeks, and during their second visit to customer premises, they will connect or cut over, the service from the old infrastructure to the new fiber optics.
- Ripleys is almost finished with construction in the town of Lower Brule. They expect to start in West Brule next week.
July 22, 2020
Project Update
- Phase One of wiring of homes and businesses in the Reliance and Lower Brule exchange is completed. All locations should have a box or clamshell mounted on the exterior the building. In a few weeks, Travis Electric will return to the premises of customers with active service to complete Phase Two of wiring. They will call customers to make an appointment to come inside the home or business to install equipment, then connect the telephone, internet, and/or cable service to the new fiber optic lines.
- Ripley's should finish plowing the larger mainline cable in the north part of Lower Brule this week. Construction on drops (individual lines to customer premises) will continue in Lower Brule. Construction will begin on BIA 10 heading west, and will start in West Brule town next week.
July 15, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will be installing clamshells, or boxes, on the exterior of homes in rural Reliance this week. They are nearly finished with this stage of the project, so if you have Golden West service and you live in the Reliance exchange, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department if you do not yet have a clamshell.
- Several construction crews will be working this week in the town of Lower Brule. They are plowing larger mainline cable on the north end of Lower Brule, with crews following behind to install drops, or individual lines, to customer premises.
July 8, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric is almost finished with hanging clamshells for customers in Lower Brule, West Brule, and Reliance. If you have not heard from them, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Construction is proceeding along BIA 10 on the west side of Lower Brule, then crews will move to the north side of town.
July 1, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric will begin working south of Reliance. Customers in the towns of Reliance, Lower Brule, and West Brule should have clamshells. If your home or business doesn’t yet have a clamshell installed, please call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Ripley’s construction crews will be taking a break over the Independence Day holiday and be back to work on the July 7th. At that time they will begin working in the north part of Lower Brule.
June 24, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric has completed hanging clamshells in the town of Reliance. Clamshell installation in the villages of Lower Brule and West Brule are substantially complete. If your home or business doesn’t have a clamshell, please call Golden West at 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the engineering department.
- Construction is nearly complete in Reliance town. Crews will be starting construction in Lower Brule soon.
June 18, 2020
Project Update
- Travis Electric has completed all clam shell installations in Reliance and most in West Brule. They are currently hanging clam shells in Lower Brule.
- The mainline construction and lines to customer homes and businesses is complete in Reliance.
- The mainline plowing crew started construction in Lower Brule this week. They will start plowing lines to individual subscribers in Lower Brule next week.
June 2, 2020
Golden West Builds Infrastructure To ALL in Lower and West Brule Villages For Fiber Optic Broadband Services
Whether you are a current customer or not, Golden West will bring infrastructure for fiber optic connections to all homes and businesses in the Lower Brule and West Brule villages this summer or fall.
This construction is part of Golden West’s commitment to provide broadband access across its rural South Dakota service territory and help position the communities it serves for the future. Fiber optic technology uses pulses of light to transmit information, providing faster, more reliable internet speeds and stronger connections for phone and cable TV services.
Outside Construction on Homes and in Yards
For customers and non-customers alike, Travis Electric, Golden West’s contractor, will hang a small box or “clamshell” on the outside of all homes and businesses. Ripley’s, Inc., another contractor, will trench, bore or plow along roadways. Ripley’s, Inc. will use other methods to minimize disturbance in driveways and yards as they lay fiber cables and ducts throughout the area. All areas will be returned to pre-construction condition.
Services Will Be Upgraded Later
Golden West will upgrade services for current subscribers to the new technology after construction is complete late in 2020 or early in 2021. With the infrastructure already in place, others will be able to subscribe to Golden West services more easily in the future.
Following CDC Guidelines for COVID-19
To help ensure everyone’s health and safety, the contract workers will follow Center for Disease Control recommended practices, including observing social distancing, conducting daily health checks and holding weekly safety meetings, to name a few. The workers will also abide by any state, local or tribal executive orders that may be in place for the area regarding COVID-19.
Receive Lifeline Discount for Internet Service
Many tribal residents qualify for a monthly discount of up to $34.25 per month on internet or phone service through the federal Tribal Lifeline program. The Universal Service Administration Company administers Lifeline. For qualifying information or to apply online, visit Paper applications are also accepted, but enrollment takes longer. Contact Golden West for assistance or more information.
Golden West sincerely appreciates your understanding and cooperation throughout the construction process. For additional information about the Fiber to the Home project call 1-855-888-7777 and ask for the Engineering Department.
Join us for an open house on Tuesday, March 3rd at 6:30pm at the American Legion in Reliance.
Stop by for snacks, refreshments, giveaways and a chance to win a $100!
We’re bringing Fiber to the Home, making sure that your phone and Internet work as hard as you do.
Learn more about how Fiber to the Home will make your community stronger and more sustainable. You’ll find out how and where the work will be done, and the benefits of fiber optic technology.
Golden West Contractors in Reliance/Lower Brule Exchange:
- Ripley's Inc.
- Travis Electric, Inc.
Please contact Golden West with any questions, concerns or comments by calling 1-855-888-7777 and asking for the Engineering Department or Email